Thursday, April 06, 2006

Easter is coming

So Easter is coming up here pretty soon. I haven't been to church in a while, and don't really have a church I go to. Should I feel like I have to go to church on Easter? Will God be offended if I don't? The church is not a place I've felt comfortable in for a long time. Does that mean I'm not a Christian? I don't think so. I graduated from Bible college so I should understand the church's importance in society right? Yes, I do. But I believe the church in many places has gotten so political that it's no longer about God but more about an agenda. You hear as much talk about being pro-life or anti-gay marriage as you do about the Bible in many places. Hey pastor, why not tell us what God thinks we should do instead of spending so much time harping on the things people shouldn't do? Plus, I've been burned by the church and it's hypocrisy. I know I should go and fellowship with other believers, but other then being with friends who are Christians, I really don't want to hang out in church. Maybe someday God will give me the desire to go back. But I don't know if it will be for Easter.

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