Sunday, December 06, 2009

Seaside Month 4

Okay, it's cold. I am homesick. I've come to find that the dream of the coast was just a dream. What I built up in my head is the furthest thing from reality. The reality is living on the coast is just like any other small town. That is to say mostly, it is boring. So, I know now, the beach is not really a place to live, just a nice place to visit. And that's okay. Now I have a new dream- to live a normal life, in a normal neighborhood, in a normal city with my wife and dogs. It's hard to admit, but I actually had my dream before we took off and moved to the coast. But, we gave it a try. How does that song go- "don't know what you got til it's gone"? Yeah, that's how I feel. Tired and I wanna go home.