My wife and I visited the lovely city of Astoria yesterday. I must confess, I didn't want to leave. Astoria is an awesome little place! It was nothing like what I remember from visits with my parents when I was a kid. The downtown area has been revived. The riverfront area is being restored with homes and the piers are being rebuilt and house many shops and restaurants. We visited Baked Alaska, which is a great restaurant right on a pier above the Columbia. I got a chance to talk to the chef after my meal at his new store (on the same pier) called Mise en Place. He said he might have me as an intern (I'm a student in culinary school). I'm going to be praying about this possible opportunity. Kristen and I dream about living on the coast, so if the opportunity presents itself and it becomes possible for us to do so, we would love it. So long Astoria, hopefully I'll be back soon.